Aldeburgh Town Council

Use the Contact us form or send us an email to:  [email protected]
or post/deliver your written response to: 
The Moot Hall, Market Cross Place, Aldeburgh Suffolk IP15 5DS.

There are topics that we will be asked to comment on by deadlines throughout the 6-month examination.    Click here to go to the deadlines and key dates. 

For more information about the Planning application for Sizewell C please see display in the Aldeburgh Library, or go to the Planning Inspectorate website

Projects | National Infrastructure Planning ( 

From this link above select the ‘Projects’ tab, when this opens click on ‘Eastern’ and scroll down to ‘The Sizewell C Project’ and click on this.  The front page gives a summary and has a tab for the Document library.

Click here to read our latest submission and summary of issues

Other websites with more detail and useful information:

EDF (the Applicant’s) website Sizewell C | EDF (

Theberton & Eastbridge Action Group (TEAG now called Stop Sizewell C) Stop Sizewell C – Take Action

  • SIZEWELL C Deadlines and key dates for the next few months:

By deadline 1 on 12th May 2021 the Planning Inspectorate need to receive:

Requests to be an Interested Party and to take part (if you have not already registered)

Written comments on Relevant Representations, or questions asked by the Planning Inspectors.

Notice from anyone who wishes to speak at the Open Floor Hearings (between 18th and 21st May) via the registration form on the Planning Inspectorate website or contact them to request a form.

Notice from anyone who wishes to speak at the Issue Specific Hearings and/or Affected Parties who wish to speak at the Compulsory Acquisition Hearings.

Comments on the list of Accompanied and Unaccompanied site visits to be undertaken.

Open Floor Hearings will be held on 18th to 21st May 2021

By deadline 2 on 2nd June 2021:

Post Hearing comments and Relevant Representations.

Comments by registered Interested Parties only on any updated application documents and Changed Application documents or deadline 1 submissions.

Site Inspections will be held on 8th to 10th June and 22nd June 2021

By deadline 3 on 24th June 2021

Comments on written representations, Local Impact Report, Section 106 mitigation proposals.

Comments on updated documents, additional information from deadline 2 submissions or questions from the Ex-Authority.

Issue Specific Hearings will be held on 6th to 9th July 2021, list of topics will be published here in due course.

To let us know your comments please use the Contact us form or send an email to: [email protected]   or post/deliver your written response to: 

The Moot Hall, Market Cross Place, Aldeburgh Suffolk IP15 5DS.



What is a Nationally Strategic Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and the Development Consent Process (DCO)? (click to see answer?)

The Nationally Strategic Infrastructure Project (NSIP) process replaces a public enquiry for large construction which the Government deems is in the national interest.  It starts after a public Consultation process and after a Preliminary Meeting (PM) consists of an Examination phase of 6 months. 

During the Examination phase there will be Open Floor Hearings (OFHs) that anyone who has registered as an Interested Party can request to speak at, Issue Specific Hearings (ISHs) on specific matters of concern (such as Noise, Light pollution, Flooding, Coastal processes, Traffic impacts, Economics, Design and Siting, the AONB/Environment & Habitats) and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings (CAHs) for those whose land is affected.   

These Hearings will most likely be virtual due to current Covid-19 restrictions, you can also watch these live streamed or afterwards.   During the Examination phase a Development Consent Order (DCO) is also drafted, this is the document that sets out how the project will be managed if it is given consent.

In between the Hearings Interested Parties (Parish/Town Councils, groups, and the public who have registered) and Statutory Consultees (Suffolk County Council, East Suffolk, RSPB Minsmere, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, the Environment Agency, Emergency Services etc) can send in responses to what is said and documents which are submitted into the Examination, by certain deadlines.

After the Examination phase the Examination Authority (a team of Planning Inspectors sometimes called PINS who ‘examine’ the application and host the Hearings) then have up to 3 months to make their recommendation to approve or reject the Application to the Secretary of State – who will then issue their decision within another 3 months.

Click here to go to Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary on the Planning Inspectorate website

Have your say.

Sizewell C

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