Aldeburgh Town Council



Volunteers of Aldeburgh Good Neighbours Scheme (AGNES) have offered transport to Woodbridge for Aldeburgh residents (those living in the IP15 postal district) who do not have friends or family to take them to their vaccination appointments.
Please call the AGNES help line 0777 303 1064
between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
It will be expected that those availing themselves of this service reimburse the volunteer £15 to cover motoring costs.
Other community transport services are available for residents and you should contact community transport at Connecting Communities ( & CATS (Coastal Accessible Transport) on 01728 830516 for further booking information.
If there are particular cases where a Community Transport service cannot provide a specific journey or in the case of residents who are definitely unable to afford to pay for their own transport, East Suffolk Council can fund the cost of a taxi explicitly for these appointments. Please contact Cllr TJ Haworth – Culf for more details on

Nobody should be missing their vaccine appointment because they are worried about the costs associated with travelling to Woodbridge and back. If you have concerns, please contact Aldeburgh United Charities on 01728 831154 between 12.00 and 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

Finally, please remember to continue to follow the government’s advice once you have received your vaccine as the virus can still be transmitted. Continue to follow social distancing guidelines, wear a mask and stay at home. The second dose of the vaccine will give you longer lasting protection.

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