Aldeburgh Town Council

Brickfields Inquiry

Brickfields Inquiry

The Brickfields Inquiry – Appeal Dismissed

The result of the Brickfields Inquiry has been announced  – the appeal by M.S.Oakes has been dismissed and development will not be permitted on this site.

Suffolk Coastal District Council, Aldeburgh Town Council, the Aldeburgh Society and residents fought a long campaign to prevent development on this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Planning Inspector concluded that the proposed building work would significantly harm distant views and the tranquillity of the AONB and the character and appearance of the surrounding area.

In her report, the Inspector said that the benefits of the proposed development do not outweigh the considerable harm to the AONB.

To read the introductory letter to the decision and the decision in full, please click on the links below:

Introductory Letter

The Decision in full



The background:

A Lowestoft-based builder submitted plans to build 43 new homes on the Brickfields Barn site in 2015. This involved demolishing redundant stores, change of use of a builders’ yard and re-developing a former quarry. The site is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and contains a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Aldeburgh Town Council, the Aldeburgh Society and Suffolk Coastal District Council opposed the development.

Led by Planning Inspector Lesley Coffey BA(Hons), BTP MRTPI,  the Inquiry started on September 11 and lasted until  September 19. Legal representations were made on behalf of Suffolk Coastal District Council, Aldeburgh Town Council, the Aldeburgh Society, local residents and the developer, M.S.Oates.

Aldeburgh Town Council’s submission:

Aldeburgh Town Council opposed this development and submitted this document to the Planning Inspectorate. Click here to read it in full:

Brickfields Appeal Final submission

Suffolk Coastal District Council’s submission:

Suffolk Coastal District Council also opposed this development and submitted this document to the Planning Inspectorate: Click here to read it in full:

 SCDC response

Associated documents:

All associated documents relating to this appeal, including the appellant’s submission, can be viewed using the following link:


The official notice:

The Planning Inspectorate have officially announced the enquiry details. To view this document, click on the link below:

Site Notice – Planning appeal

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