The Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm Project is the proposed extension of the existing Galloper Offshore Wind Farm.
You can find all the documents published as part of the consultation on our project website, www.fiveestuaries.co.uk
Public Information Events are taking place along the proposed routes.
The date in Aldeburgh is Thursday 13th April from 3pm to 6pm at The Fairfield Centre, Fairfield Road, Aldeburgh, IP15 5JS. Please see their website for events in other towns.
Aldeburgh Town Council want your views to inform their consultation response – please write to the Moot Hall or email [email protected] or you can respond yourself by 18th December.
These projects are in addition to what is proposed with SPR EA1N & EA2 and Sizewell C.
Sea Link is to connect Suffolk to Kent (because the overhead power lines cannot take all the energy that will be generated with SZB, SZC and SPR.)
Euro Link is to connect Suffolk with the EU to import/export power (although there are existing Interconnector lines these were not future proofed).
ATC supports the development of renewable energy but maintains that these projects should use brown field sites only for all the onshore infrastructure needed. Cable channels (2 per project) are motorway width while in construction, and require haul roads, compounds and laydown areas for soil etc. and separate huge, Converter station buildings for each project require 5 hectares each. SeaLink and EuroLink both want to connect to the proposed new substation at Friston (consented by Sec of State but currently subject to Judicial Review) which would have to become even larger.
Of particular concern to all residents and visitors to Aldeburgh is that the emerging preferred landfall site is between The Scallop, Aldeburgh and Thorpeness.

Please try to attend any open days/exhibition events and or respond to and participate in any digital exhibitions/online webinars.
Copies of the information documents are available to view at the Moot Hall and at the Library.
Key Dates:
ALDEBURGH – Thursday 10 November, 1pm – 8pm
Old Generator Station, King’s Field, Aldeburgh, IP15 5HY
ALDEBURGH – Friday 25 November, 10am – 4pm
St Peter and St Paul’s Church Hall IP15 5DU
See SEAS or SASES websites for all dates/times of other local exhibitions and further information.