Aldeburgh Town Council

England Coast Path Aldeburgh to Hopton-on-Sea

Natural England has been asked by the government to establish a continuous 

walking route around England’s coastline. As part of this programme, our report describing proposed changes to public access between Aldeburgh and Hopton-on-Sea is published on 29th January 2020.

Representations and objections on the proposed changes can now be made and must be  received by Natural England no later than midnight on the 25th March 2020 

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will then make a decision about the report when all representations and objections have been considered. Establishment of the new access arrangements will not begin until that decision is made. 

Copies of our reports and forms are available at the libraries in Aldeburgh, Southwold and Lowestoft; and at Suffolk County Council Endeavour House in lpswich. They are also available on line, along with details of these venues at:

For more information, please contact Natural England at: England Coast Path Team
Natural England
Suite D, Unex House
Bourges Boulevard
Peterborough PE11NG
Telephone: 0208 0261753

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