Aldeburgh Town Council




Hello I’m Dr Lindsey Crockett senior partner for The Peninsula Practice. This is the fourth video update to keep you informed regarding the Coronavirus Vaccinations.

As mentioned before, The Peninsula Practice had to step in and help with the outsourced vaccination program for us and with great efforts from all our staff, we tried to contact every one of our patients over 80 years of age to ensure none were missed. We think we have covered everyone but if you are over 80 and have not had your first vaccination or have not booked an appointment please call the surgery for us to arrange it. 

The Suffolk GP Federation who are managing our main vaccination programme have also worked around the clock these past few weeks. The 22 centres across Suffolk are now running well with improved booking systems in place and reassurances from NHS England of fairer supplies. 

The next priority groups, those over 70 and those in clinically extremely vulnerable groups will be the next to be contacted and booked in.

There will be two ways you will be invited for your vaccination. One will be from the Suffolk GP federation where the nearest centre is Woodbridge but also Debenham and Stowmarket, the alternative is at one of the mass vaccination centres, which NHS England has set up across the country, and our nearest one is Gainsborough in Ipswich.

We are still hoping that in time we might be allowed to deliver the vaccine directly from our sites but there are no permissions for this currently. 

We as a practice took direct responsibility to vaccinate patients in care homes and nursing homes and those patients who are housebound. Having used all the vaccine that was available to us for these patients in past weeks, we still had a significant number of patients in those priority groups who were yet to receive the vaccine. 
In true Peninsula style we were not complacent about this. Staff worked additional hours into the late evenings calling our patients in the top priority groups over and ensuring they had not been missed.
With our trademark tenacity, on Thursday evening we found that there were available extra supplies in Stowmarket, which I collected. On Friday a team, which included wonderful nursing support from the CCG, drove miles and miles through our beautiful countryside administering the vaccine to those vulnerable patients in their houses.

So, despite the most stressful and frustrating circumstances with the outsourced systems, the lack of supplies, the disproportionate and unfair distribution for those especially living near people registered with Leiston, we can feel pleased that we are well within the timeframe set out by the government, to have vaccinated those identified in the top priority groups.

It’s important to stress that even if you’ve had your vaccination this does not give you protection for at least a few weeks afterwards. And remember you can still catch the virus; the vaccine reduces your risk of getting it badly
so please continue to exercise to the same caution under the government guidance of lockdown rules. 

And finally, 

Last week I made an appeal for respect and kindness, our staff and Practice having suffered intolerable criticism and blame from a loud minority of people. 

This week however, I want to send deep thanks to all of you who have sent the most heartfelt kind words and wishes to us all at the practice. I wish I could personally thank you all but please know your kindness carries us through this journey, which we are all going through together.

Our Practice Participation Group (PPG) are very active in supporting us to support you so if anyone would like to actively support how we could improve our services please let us know details regarding the PPG are on our website or at the surgery. 

Take care and stay well.

Thank you.

To find out more information regarding the Covid vaccination programme please follow the link:

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