Aldeburgh Town Council currently manages more than 80 allotments which are located adjacent to Jubilee Walk.
A full allotment costs £25.00 per annum.
A half allotment costs £12.50 per annum.
There is a short waiting list for allotments and enquiries should be made by calling the Deputy Town Clerk 01728 452158 or emailing [email protected].
The allotments are only available to people who pay council tax in Aldeburgh.
Please be aware…allotments are a wonderful dream but a lot of hard work! Think carefully before you take the plunge. Overgrown and neglected allotments may be taken back by the Town Council.
Aldeburgh Town Council
Moot Hall,
Market Cross Place,
Aldeburgh, IP15 5DS
Tel: 01728 452158
Office Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm