To register for the event please click here
Aldeburgh Boxing Day Swim 2022
Because of covid and adverse sea conditions there’s not been an Aldeburgh Boxing Day Swim since 2019, but this year we intend to be back. The event was started in 1988 by Dr Kevork Hopayian, a local GP, to raise funds for the victims of the Armenian earthquake. Since then the event has raised thousands of pounds for charity, and this year we intend to donate funds to the RNLI, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice and Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity Blossom Appeal. The Blossom Appeal is raising money for a new state of the art breast cancer facility at Ipswich Hospital. Most of us know people who have suffered from breast cancer, and this facility will improve early diagnosis, treatment and survival rates. The plan is to open the facility in 2023, and we want to do our bit – with your help – to make that happen.
When and where
The swim will take place at 11.00am on Sunday 26 December, on the beach opposite the Moot Hall, Aldeburgh. This is an event for confident swimmers who do not suffer from medical conditions which make cold water swimming unsafe. If you want to join in do please ensure you arrive in good time, at least fifteen minutes before the start time. You’re in the water for a maximum 60 seconds, although on a cold day that can feel like the slowest 60 seconds of the year.
Online Entry
We ask swimmers for a non refundable £10 donation each, to cover our costs of insurance and medical support.
Après Swim
The White Lion Hotel is kindly offering swimmers hot chocolate, snacks and warm sofas after the swim. We’re grateful to them for their continuing generous support of this event.
Spectators are welcome, although we would ask them to observe appropriate social distancing rules for an outdoor events.
We will have collection buckets and SumUp card readers on the beach on the day. Donors can also donate via the Aldeburgh Boxing Day Swim page on the JustGiving website.
The choice is yours: dip in or chip in. We hope to see you on the day.
Contact Mark Fairweather
D: 01728 454595
M: 07714254457