Aldeburgh Town Council

ALDEBURGH COVID-19 rapid testing centre NOW OPEN!

ALDEBURGH COVID-19 rapid testing centre NOW OPEN!

Stopping the spread of the virus as the UK vaccination programme is rolled out is crucial.

There are now 28 COVID-19 rapid testing centres in Suffolk.

They use lateral flow testing to identify people who may have coronavirus but who show no symptoms – up to one in three people who have it.

Lateral flow testing involves taking a swab from the throat and nose to see whether coronavirus is present in the body.

The process takes around 15 minutes. The person tested will then receive a text message giving the result within an hour.

People who have to leave their homes are being asked to get tested twice a week, three to four days apart, as part of their weekly routine.

Anyone giving a positive test will be told to self-isolate and advised on what to do next.

Anyone receiving a negative result needs to continue to follow the social distancing guidance as they may only be at the early stages of developing the virus.

This is in case levels of the virus in a person at the earlier test were too low to be detected at that time.

The centres are only for people not showing symptoms of Covid-19.

Anyone who is showing symptoms, or who may have been in close contact with someone who has, should not visit the centre.

Instead, they should ring 119 or go to the NHS website to book a test at one of the 12 symptomatic testing sites in Suffolk.

Appointments for tests can be made through registering on the booking website or calling 0333 772 6144.

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