Aldeburgh Town Council

Supporting Afghan and Ukranian refugees

Supporting Afghan and Ukranian refugees

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Flag of Ukraine -

Supporting Afghan and Ukrainian refugees

Information for residents in Suffolk on how they can provide support to Afghan and Ukrainian refugees.

Last updated 14 March 2022.

All councils and public sector leaders in Suffolk remain committed to supporting refugee programmes.

Ukraine: how you can help

Afghanistan: how we’ve helped

Resettlement schemes

In addition to the work to support refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan, there is also ongoing work to support unaccompanied asylum seeking children and other refugees entering the UK.

Suffolk County Council supports the Government’s UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS). Find out more about our support for existing refugees.

 Ukraine: how you can help

We know that many of you will be interested in supporting the new government initiative to bring Ukrainian refugees to the UK to stay in people’s own homes or other properties that you are able to offer.

We are awaiting details of the scheme. So far it has been announced that there will be a government website enabling people to express an interest in helping – for which they will receive a “thank you” of £350 a month.

Once we know more about what the process looks like and how we can help you to participate we will update this page.

Suffolk partners will also continue to discuss how we will provide help and support.

There is no need for items and goods to be donated for refugees in Suffolk at this stage. However, this situation might change. Therefore, we are asking people who think they might be able to help to contact us in the first instance so that we have your details and we will get back to you if we are able to make use of your offer.

Email if you think you can help.

To help meet the needs of the Ukraine refugees, you may wish to support national and international charities such as The Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal | British Red Cross

Suffolk Refugee Support are our local refugee charity, you can find out about their response to the Ukraine situation on their website: Response to the situation in Ukraine – Suffolk Refugee Support

Further information on how to help can be found on the Disasters emergency committee website DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | Disasters Emergency Committee.

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