Dear Sir/Madam
The Mayor Elect and the Town Council would very much like to invite you to join
us on Mayor’s Sunday and to attend the Civic Service at St Peter & St Paul Church
in Aldeburgh. There will be a parade to the church for which the details are as
• You are asked to assemble at the Moot Hall, Market Cross Place,
Aldeburgh, no later than 10.10am.
• Robes, badges and chains of office may be worn. Facilities for robing are
available in the Moot Hall.
• Partners of council representatives are asked to meet at the south entrance
to the church by 10.15am to be escorted to their seats by the
• If you are not parading, please take your seats in the church by 10.15am for
the Service at 10.30am.
• Following the Service please make your way to the Church Hall for